Thursday, January 1

Home Grown Greens for your Garden Birds

Many garden birds enjoy greens, especially young tender green shoots.  You can easily  grow your
own so as to have constant supply for your table.

You will need:

Eggshells, small garden pots or half coconut shells
An egg try
Potting soil
Millet birdseed
A jug of water
Paints for decorations


  • Draw a face on each of the eggshells (or pots or coconut shells). Stand the eggshells in the egg try to keep them steady
  • Fill the eggshells with soil
  • Sprinkle the birdseed over the soil in the containers and place in the windowsill.  Remember to keep the soil moist.
  • after a few day, the seeds will sprout a shock of green hair over the painted faces.

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