Friday, January 2

Peanuts Treats for Wild Birds

Peanut pockets are quick and easy to make, and birds' acrobatics as they move around to eat make
them an entertaining addition to your bird menu.  This is a great activity to involve your kids and a  source of magnesium and iron for your garden birds.  Adding magnesium to your birds diet will increases their breeding performance and feather quality.

You will need:

A few pine cones
A cup of birdseed
A small jar of peanut butter
A large bowl or tray


  • Soak the cones in water overnight to soften and open up the scales.
  • Mix half of the birdseed and the peanut butter and use a knife to push the mixture as far into the scales of the cone
  • Lightly cover the outside of the cone with the rest of the peanut butter and birdseed mixture and roll the cone in the rest of the birdseed.
  • Tie a piece of string to the top of the cone and hang it outdoors.  

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