Treats for Birds

Summer Salad

A wide diversity of birds will enjoy this dish, south as mouse birds, louries, ducks and Egyptian geese.  It also attracts the olive thrush and robins, especially in the winter when insects are scares and vegetables dry.  If you live in the rural area, you can put this feast into a flat dish on the ground where you may attract hedgehogs and tortoises too.

You will need:

1 hard boiled egg
1 large carrot
1 small head of lettuce or a bunch of carrot tops
5 tablespoon ProNutro
1 teaspoon iodised salt
1 tablespoon sunflower oil


  • Mash up the hard boiled egg
  • Grate the carrot and shred the lettuce
  • Combine the egg and the vegetables and add the ProNutro and salt, mixing well
  • Add the sunflower oil and mix thoroughly
  • Placeon a feeding try in the garden

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